These are samples spreads for a potential new book about facts.
I was commissioned to produce these spreads to be totally different in look and feel.
This was a completely open brief. Just the facts. The client gave me a completely free hand at producing this work. Very invigorating!
To say the client was over the moon with the final pages is an understatement. They told me that this is a fine example of work, very much a portfolio piece.
The client took sample pages of the spreads to the Frankfurt Book Fair. They were received very favourably. A quote from the client was - 'Out of all the titles we took to Frankfurt, these were the best received pages'. This has led to the comission of two books. The first based on the style of two of the spreads (Eiffel Tower, Human Brain) and the second a smaller more straight forward fact book.
The next stage has been to amend three spreads for the London Book Fair and to add another called ' If the World were 100 People'.
After this I will start work on the full title. Very excited about project managing, designing and illustrating all pages.