This is an updated artwork of Plymouth, first produced for the 2018 University of Plymouth Prospectus (see elsewhere in 'Illustration'. Many more landmarks were added and updated, including the Tamar Bridge, Plymouth Argyle football stadium and the new Plymouth Museum annex, 'The Box'.

... and side by side the 2020 version and the newer 2022 versions.
A lot has changed and been added. Beckley Point, Cap n' Jaspers, Mountbatten, The Barbican is fuller and The Dome and buildings has been added to The Hoe as well as part of The Citadel and Got and Magog. So many subtle changes to list here. :)

Below are just a few of the bespoke Planet Plymouth's I have produced. Some for business, others for Birthdays and Anniversaries. And one for a Christmas Card.

I produced a bespoke version for the Kaya Gallery with the owner Chris Warne in front. He was so pleased, he asked for an A2 print which would sit pride of place in one of the gallery windows, display only. It was later sold by an insistent customer.
I was told that this is the first artwork they have ever had in the window not for sale. It was also a first to have a print sold where they hadn't even received a physical copy of, with the added hurdle of the gallery not being open to the public following covid-19 regulations in 2020. The first day they shared the picture on their Facebook page, they had six sales immediately. I very quickly had more A3 and A2 sizes printed all signed and numbered. Prints have gone to the USA, Italy, South Africa and a few to Australia.

A very good friend of mine is a nurse at Derriford Hospital children's department. She asked if she could get a few of the artwork printed for the new children's area which was found to be very drab and dull. I thought it a lovely idea and began creating a bespoke version with nursing and hospital staff scattered throughout the artwork and a rainbow above the hospital. Six A3 prints and one A1 print were made printed and laminated for children to be handed to look through as a distraction and fun thing to look at while there.

Derriford Hospital nursing staff in front of the A1 framed print.
What was lovely was that some of the staff painstakingly put post-it notes next to each drawn person with the name of a relevant staff member, depending where in the picture they were. Even the helicopter pilot is named. I thought this such a lovely thing to do, making it very personal to them. Brought a tear to my eye.

I have since created a Planet Penzance and St Ives artworks, which has been very popular people from Penzance.
Now also available as Greetings cards, prints and circular jigsaw puzzles.
Planet Plymouth is also now available at the Barbican Visitor Centre and soon, The Box Museum.